Sometimes you have to go your separate ways


Changing your marital status from «married» to «divorced» is often complicated. Any pension contributions you made while married are divided equally between you and your spouse. This also applies to separation within a registered partnership.

What happens if your relationship doesn't work out?

You and your partner both continued to make pension contributions while you were married. Different salaries, employment conditions and pension fund regulations may mean that you paid different amounts into the pension fund. Generally speaking, the contributions you both made are added up and divided by two.

These figures are actually calculated by the divorce judge, who requires a divorce agreement and a feasibility check from BVK. In addition to how much you paid into the pension fund, other key data such as the date you started paying into the pension fund and any advance withdrawals to help finance your dream home are recorded. This means here too, you will have to deal with several forms, but we are here to help you.

If you are insured with BVK, you will find the necessary information and forms in the myBVK portal

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